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Botschaft nach Armenien, Belarus und Ukraine


Nach unserer Mitgliederversammlung in Bamberg schrieben wir eine eine kurze Botschaft an unsere Frauen in den folgenden drei Ländern. Natalja gab uns rasch eine dankbare Rückmeldung!

Dear sisters in Armenia, Belarus, and Ukraine,

the German Forum had its general assembly a few days ago. In a morning meditation on 1 Cor 12 ("the body and its limbs") we thought of the conflicts in your countries and how heavily they affect you. Be assured: we are with you in thought and prayer. Please tell us, when we can be of any additional help.

For the German Forum


Dear sisters!! 

It's so inspiring and pleasing to hear about your prayers!! ❤️?

Ukraine desperately needs them, as the war with Russia has already been going on for 6 years and more than 40 thousand people were killed or badly wounded, not talking about huge internal displacement and economic problems :-(

The situation in Belarus and Armenia is unfortunately also seems to be very sad and needs our prayers!  ?

Thank you SO much! ?

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and spread true information on the situation if you can. Unfortunately there's a lot of dirty destabilizing propaganda ... :-(
But we pray and hope for peace and prosperity in the whole world; for strong, united and sustainable Europe!!
With love from Lviv, 
